Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Starting Out 9-28-10

Where to begin?  Since there are no followers yet, I would like to welcome myself to The Life and Times of a Crazy Man.  

First off, I am not a professional typist, I write and type as fast as I can while the thoughts are racing through my head, so i may have a lot of punctual and capitalization errors. 
I know there is spelling and grammar check, but I like to rush, its the words that bring the message not the way it looks, or something like that. 

So please do not bother me about it, I have plenty of big problems to deal with, I have no time for the small ones, well truthfully i could make time, but I dont care enough too.  anything else, feel free to tell me im wrong.

Anyways, I do have a wife who I truly love and wonderful kids. I do currently work for a major corporation that I will not name, but they do offer low prices by shady practices and screwing over employees anyway possible. I cant say the pay totally sucks, we do get paid more then inmates. . I know, its gonna take alot of research for that one.

I love writing and stopped doing it years ago, now Iam bring it back at starting here, i will aslo hopefully continue writing my books.

Now, this blog will be about me mainly ranting and raving about people in my daily life, the very odd things that go on in my head, the weird thoughts and ideas, as well as sharing any poems or other work I write. I know my personal info is not much, but its enough considering all the thoughts and feelings i will be sharing.

Just so you know, everything I write, excluding stories and poems, are absolute truth, because in this crazy world, sometimes you  just cant make this shit up.


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